Just Dance is a 45 minute session. It begins with a mild warm up, then stepping right into your coolest moves. Ending with some well deserved stretches. Its free style dancing with no rules.
Music is mostly Motown, with a few other cool artists.
Bella is gonna help you get your groove back...
Once you start dancing, you might not want to stop.
Dancing should be fun. If it isn't, it's not being done right.
Dancing is a blast. Its also really beneficial for your health and well being.
Yes, dancing counts as exercise. The combination of movement and music is exhilarating.
Dancing for exercise is pretty much the most fun way to trick your mind into thinking your just having fun and not actually working at anything.
Dancing can be magical and transforming. It can breathe new life into a tired soul, make a spirit soar, unleash locked away creativity, trigger long forgotten memories.
Its an internal journey with mind, heart, and spirit.
Physical benefits are numerous:
*Dancing is constant movement
*Dancing aids in weight loss and it is a great way to get and stay in shape
*It helps you burn those calories away, while improving your stamina
*Regular dancing can lead to a lower blood pressure and an improved cholesterol profile
*Strengthens bones and muscles without hurting your joints
*Works your heart
*Tones your entire body
Personal and social benefits include:
*Dancing helps you relax, reducing stress and tension
*It boosts self-confidence
*Dancing elevates your mood by raising your endorphin levels and thus increases the sense of well-being
Other benefits are:
*Having fun
*Reducing stress and tension
*Improve energy and mood
*Dancing can play an important role in successful aging, as well as improve memory
*Ward off illness like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis and depression
*Dancing is associated with a lower risk of dementia
Wear what you like. But less is best.
Free your spirit, and just dance...